
Billy Joel sings a song called Scenes from an Italian Restaurant. A long song (8 minutes), but a good song...about relationships.

I call this picture Scenes from a National Cemetery. Obviously...the guy/gal was a biker. Harleys and folks dressed in leather were everywhere. I stayed in the distance out of respect for the deceased.

If there is such a thing as a great day for a memorial was 75 and sunny. I took just a few shots of the bikes and flags...then backed away. The gun salute and the playing of Taps never fail to move me.

I found the swan family, and snapped away. If it is the same family I got last week...they have already lost one. I was enjoying the show when a nicely suited man addressed me. "Sir...there's going to be a service here in less than 10 minutes." Again...showing respect...I said..."I'll get right out of here."

Birds, butterflies, and bereavement. The joy of new life...the wonders of spring...the serenity of the countryside...set against the reality of someone passing. In certain places...happiness and sadness are forced to merge.

Check out my flickr page to see the full sized photos. Also...stick it in LARGE for a better look at this shot.

Hope everybody has a great weekend.

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