
By Jalofrine


Right, I am potentially the worst person ever to be using such a concept...
I do love the idea of it a lot, but I always had difficulties to comply to one task on a long period of time, especially when it's my free choice to do so...

So here I am a month and a half (or so) since my last post.
A lot happened since then, I do know my actual departure date for the USA now, which is awesome!
But on the other side the recent events (#jesuischarlie) in my country make me sad to leave it soon, I know things will now be moving hopefully towards a positive change, and I'd like to be part of it in a way or an other.
That's maybe why I felt the need of posting something here, it made me realised how important is the freedom of speech and that we should use it.

Those last days I'm getting scared of so many things, both in my personal life and for the future of my country. People seem to gather and stand for their right, and I hope they'll continue to do so, and that politicians won't use the recent events to create more divisions, it's the o my way if we want to have a chance to go back to normal. There's definitively a problem that we've been trying to avoid for a while, and now we are suddenly oblige to face it.
I hope there's hope...

I saw this wee flower earlier this afternoon while I was walking in the forest with my donkey. And seeing it made me think that there's still hope for a better and nicer world, we can make it if we want to, like this bright little flower growing all alone in the cold winter.

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