It's my party...

...I can cry if i want too!

Little man's party today but after being up in the night and being sick he really wasn't in the mood. He slept in till 11:30am and by that time the party was already in full swing.

He was a bit of a party pooper but with lots of cuddles from both grandmas he managed to stay awake for 2 hours before going back to bed.

The house was full of family and friends and it was lovely to see it buzzing with activity. The children all played really nicely together and with both sets of double doors open they had loads of space to run around. I started a conga line and the girls thought was was great fun and we also had some re-enactments of the coronation scene from Frozen which was really sweet.

All the food was gobbled up within minutes then it was time to blow out the candle on the birthday cake. All the kiddies gathered round to help.

When I woke little man back up again at 5 he managed a little bit of his tea and then we opened his presents. He really has been a very lucky boy and has received so many lovely gifts. I hope he is feeling better tomorrow then we can get them all out to play with.

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