The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Bloody Lazy

Woke at 5am. Went back to sleep. And at 6am. And 7am. And finally at 9am. God, what a lazy woman! FT with you and then mucking about with Lloyds bank, breakfast didn't arrive until 11.40am. WHAT!! I spent an entire morning in my PJs and new dressing gown and it was rather splendid.

Went to Thoresby to pick up my amazing birthday present from Mum and Dad...utterly gorgeous. Feeling spoilt. Walked the girls in the grounds then a quick Tesco stop off and home. Nipped to Lincoln to get the BMW washed and met Mum and Dad at a house viewing...ITS PERFECT! They have to buy it!

Now...nice food, chilled evening...the perfect way to spend a weekend. Can't wait until they live closer and we can do this more often.

Speak to you in a min!xxx

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