Coo meets beaver!

Hamish met with Woody  one of the Argyll beavers.

Says Hamish to Woody
 "What you doing in this neck of the woods"
Says Woody to Hamish "we are on trial here in Argyll" 
"On trial! why what have you done wrong!"
Nothing you hairy idiot, we are an experiment"
What sort of experiment, to eat your way through Argyll trees!"
"No stupid, we are Scotland's first ever beavers" 
"eh... no your'e no"
"Aye we ur , so get aft ma back"
"How come you've got a Glasgow accent, & besides iv'e seen beavers in Perth about 17 years ago so your no the first ever Scottish beavers!"
"Aye we ur! they ones in Perth are  frae Poland,& whit were too daen in Perth anyhoo"
"So is half of Scotland  from Poland these days"& I was in Perth visiting my hareem" so where are you from if your'e no Polish & you speak with a Glasgow accent & your'e awfully cheeky too by the way!"
"Hareem! you should be so lucky! Am frae Possil and am right tuff"
"Possil! ha ha now I understand  why your'e  wearing a tag"
" Away and bog aff you  orange coloured teuchtar bovine"
" orange! look whose talking.... you that lives in a lodge!"

Better stop these two there before they come to blows !

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