Scottish Biscuits

This is weird! The first time I tried to upload today's Blip (Yet another indoor one!) it logged me out instead of publishing so this is the second attempt! I hope it does it properly this time or it will be annoying!

So...another indoor Blip!  Fourth in a row! I did think about going into town but as Bri was going anyway there was no real reason for me to go too.

And it is really windy out! Not that that bothers me. It would give me a migraine if it were cold, but it's actually very mild. I quite like rough windy weather actually, I find it very relaxing. And if the sound of a gale blowing outside lulls me to sleep of a night, I sleep really deeply! Maybe it's something to do with having spent the first two years of my life in a caravan in an open field!

I'm at work tonight as I didn't do Tuesday because of my cold. I thought I'd end up stuck there next Saturday too, as I've had to swap my Thursday shift so I can go to Parents' evening at Jae's school. The boss surprised me though and gave me Wednesday instead.

He is cutting our hours anyway - he wants just two people on every night as the shop is so quiet at the moment. I've lost my Friday lunch shift but I think other than that it will affect the lads more than me. I wonder if it gets busier again he will increase the hours again or just expect us to work harder!

Anyway these are the last three* from a box of biccies my Aunt gave me for Christmas! 

*there are only two left now!

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