Isle of Arran

Today's the day ............................... to look at the map

A friend called round this afternoon and told us that he and his wife were off on holiday tomorrow to the beautiful Isle of Arran off the west coast of Scotland.

He's a keen walker and so several walks taking in the high peaks and ridges offered by the island's terrain were already planned. Will knows Arran well and needed no encouragement to go and find one of his books about its geology and this (now quite ancient) geological map. Will and I were both geology students way back in time.

It reminded me how pretty the geology of Arran is. This is not a technical term, you understand, more a description of why we used to have this map on the wall as a piece of artistic artwork.

And then it also made me remember how I had complained to BernardPoet today about his mug that had gambol in geology for its 'G' entry.

Maybe geology does have its frivolous side after all .................................

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