Keeping warm.

It was blowing a hoolie all night and this morning. Managed the morning walk without getting blown away. Then my Humans took me to the vet. They've been concerned that I've been drinking a lot again and been really hungry. The vet said not to worry too much but that I need to take more tablets to keep my condition under control. After lunch I popped over to see the back up. The man Human was needed to sort a couple of tiles on the Bungalow roof. The wind had moved them a little and with more wind forecast it was best to fix them so that they didnt get blown off. I checked that the fire was in good order and that the back up was ok after her treatment yesterday. She came across for her tea this evening but didn't eat much. The chemotherapy upsets her appetite and it's always worst the first few days.

The blip is me keeping warm in the evening. Hope you are all surviving the weather.
Luv Ginnie Xx.

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