
day. Grey day. Some events of the world make me sad.
I hope there is loving kindness for all beings. 
May we all live happily and safe. 

          Metta Sutta
The Buddha's Words on Loving-Kindness

    What should be done by one who's skilled in wholesomeness
    To gain the state of peacefulness is this:

    One must be able, upright, straight and not proud,
    Easy to speak to, mild and well content,
    Easily satisfied
    And not caught up in too much bustle,
    And frugal in ones ways,
    With senses calmed, intelligent, not bold,
    Not being covetous when with other folk,
    Abstaining from the ways that wise ones blame,

    And this the thought that one should always hold:
    "May beings all live happily and safe
    And may their hearts rejoice within themselves.
    Whatever there may be with breath of life
    Whether they be frail or very strong, without exception,
    Be they long or short or middle-sized,
    Or be they big or small, or thick,
    Or visible, or invisible,
    Or whether they dwell far or they dwell near,
    Those that are here, those seeking to exist
    May beings all rejoice within themselves.

    Let no one bring about another's ruin
    And not despise in any way or place,
    Let them not wish each other any ill
    From provocation or from enmity".

    Just as a mother at the risk of life
    Loves and protects her child, her only child,
    So one should cultivate this boundless love
    To all that live in the whole universe
    Extending from a consciousness sublime
    Upwards and downwards and across the world
    Untroubled, free from hate and enmity.

    And while one stands and while one walks and sits
    Or one lies down still free from drowsiness
    One should be intent on this mindfulness
    This is divine abiding here they say.

    But when one lives quite free from any view,
    Is virtuous, with perfect insight won,
    And greed for sensual desires expelled,
    One surely comes no more to any womb.

        Translation by Ven. Khantipalo 

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