Compare the pair

Challenge Topic; compare apples to oranges...
“To compare apples and oranges” is usually used in a context in which two things are so different from one another as to defy meaningful comparison.
You’re comparing apples to oranges ....

Four children, our Grandies, two brothers our daughters children, brother and sister our sons children, four cousins who can't be any different from each other in looks and mannerisms, it's like comparing apples to oranges, the only thing visible that is completely the same is that they are all born out of love and have been loved since the day they were born by everyone.
They love spending time with each other as much as they can during school holidays.
The more they grow the stronger the bond..
Sara & Cobey are at the Hopman cup tonight in Perth watching Australia vs England at the tennis, a sleep over for Koen & Jacob..
Mark & Nadine came to collect Deklan & Ruby and talked so much they ended up staying for dinner, the more the merrier, then it was time for them to go home..

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