
By pattons6

Oh Grandma

Well, today I had a fantastic day. I was up full of beans ready to go to playgroup. I was very surprised when grandma arrived, especially when she told me she was looking after me all day.

I was very excited to go to playgroup. When we arrived grandma told me she was staying to help. brilliant! Even better today was that I played with Mia. This is the first time I have played with someone at playgroup, normally I go off to do my own thing. Not today, we played in the house for ages.

After playgroup grandma took me down to her house. I had to keep grandad entertained for most of the afternoon. Once he was tired I let him go out for a little while.

I had an eating day today. I had a lovely fruity breakfast, followed by ham sandwiches for lunch. At afternoon snack, I had lots of grandad's cheese and biscuits. Grandma eventually said no more incase I didn't eat dinner. No chance, I had a double portion of beans & sausages with extra bread to drip in the sauce. I even had a little treat, smarties, just a mini box though.

After all the eating and running around I was exhausted. I couldn't even talk I was that tired at bed time.

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