Chunes In Da Galley

Less windy today but still a breeze blowing.  There's been wintery showers this morning and more this evening.  There has been sunny spells throughout the day but it's been freezing cold.

A fairly quiet day in the museum but the odd visitor mixed in with the locals.
Been along my friends this evening getting the final touches ready for tomorrow.
Might try a few pints tonight to get me ready for the weekend ahead.

Shetland's Up Helly Aa season starts tomorrow with the Scalloway Fire Festival.  I'm in a squad and we'll do a silly act in various halls around Scalloway.  Tonight has been the galley naming and a few drams, accompanied by local musicians giving a tune to get us all in the spirit of things :)  Taken in the Scalloway Galley Shed.  

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