The Chaos Bros

By vik

Happy Haircuts

This afternoon I decided I could put the horror of ironing off no longer.

I know, me ironing, what is the world coming to?

The Bros have been invited to baby L's christening on Sunday and I have managed to locate shirts that fit and trousers that not only fit but do not have grass stains on the knees for all 4 boys, quite a feat to be honest.

How hard can it be to iron 4 little boys shirts I thought.
Turns out it's almost impossible if you can't locate the ironing board!

Now don't be fooled into thinking we live in a sprawling house where large objects like ironing boards can easily be mislaid, oh no, it's a tumble down little cottage with very few cupboards so how on earth it had vanished was something of a mystery.
I had a cup of tea and pondered for a while, nothing like a bit of avoidance and procrastination.

Eventually I found it, behind a chest of drawers of all places. How it got there I wouldn't know. I certainly wouldn't have stowed it away hoping I'd never need to use it. I think it's probably been there a year or two :-D

I could put it off no longer so set to work ironing the shirts only for Bro4 to helpfully enquire screech in alarm 'Mummy, what are you doing? Don't squash the clothes, they'll be all wasted!'

Happy weekend, I've earned my G&T tonight x

Photo credit goes to Bro3

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