Window & Ware

I don't know where today has gone - friends came round for coffee, then we went on a derelict exploration, followed by a yomp around the circuit and then it was dark.

Good to see Derelict Thursday is up and running again. We had a new site in mind, a little bungalow now being consumed by ivy. Graffiti now adorned what was once the best room. Onwards to another house, now accessible due to lots of trees having been cut down. Once rather fine, tree ferns were colonising the kitchen. But it was this little window that I couldn't resist, with it's once proudly displayed collection of ware, now covered in an impressive layer of cobwebs. For those that like to know this kind of thing (and how could you not) this is what the ware looks like on the other side - circa 1970s, from Japan. The jury is out as to whether this little house is occupied or not.

Exciting news - a brief email from son#2 who has arrived in Sydney, having survived meat porridge on the Air China flight. Isn't it mad how you can be in Bristol one moment and Sydney the next.

Interesting comments on the macro lesson from yesterday :)

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