It rained. The bloke who does my car is ill and can't play out. The garage which looked after Rowan's car are not answering the phone. I now know far more than is healthy about error codes and resetting things and solenoids and things; I know enough to know that I'm not messing with that stuff. I also know that this is a warning rather than a dire warning. I've seen it described as a child asking to go to the toilet. The next level up is a child saying it's too late and have you packed any clean underwear. I'll try again with car-fixers tomorrow.
Had long chats with a couple of friends which was nice and started marking which is okay. Hung up the new nyjer-seed feeder which I had to get because the old one broke and I have a very large bag of nyjer seeds and no way of putting them out.
Not my most productive day but I saw a stunning sunset and it's nearly wine o'clock so that counts as a win in my books
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