
By davidc

A "what is it?" macro

I'm still in macro mood at the moment (see Monday's blip).

If you like, have a guess as to what this is! I showed it to one of my sons who reckoned it is the finial on the end of a wooden curtain pole. Is he right?

(Very little processing has been applied.)

PS added 9th January.
Here is the answer: it's the tip of a bottle of nose spray which I've been using to combat the symptoms of a cold - which happily is nearly better now. (My better half had the cold over Christmas, and gave it to me as a New Year present.)

Thanks so much for joining in the fun, most of the suggestions were very close indeed! Have a look at my next blip, for 9th January - which actually IS the finial from a wooden curtain pole!

Thanks too that your various ideas have given me some more blipinspiration...maybe I'll try to blip photos of your suggestions over the next few days!

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