Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Dodgy Bloke Blip

Such a miserable day, and so busy, no time to take any decent photo at all. 

Poor G is full of the cold again, and lay snuffling, choking, coughing and snorkelling beside me all night.  I tried to persuade him to take the day off, but he wouldn't as we both had a couple of days off already this winter due to the cold / flu virus.

I was too tired to cook when I got in, so just had some cheese and biscuits, walked the dog, then headed upstairs for a nice hot bath and a read of my book, The Martian. 

This is not the kind of thing I usually read, in fact I think it is probably quite unique, and I'm really enjoying it.  However, I think the face on the cover looks like one of those forensic reconstructions to establish the identity of a skeleton! 

If you like a bit of science with your fiction, I think you'll enjoy this one too. 

Anyone else been having problems getting their photo's to load up today?  I had to try this about 6 times. 

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