A lock link!

I woke this morning to the sound of Jess, banging about rather loudly, then whimpering Muuuuuum come here..... and then giggling!  So I blearily stumbled to her room to find she couldn't get out!  Her bedroom door was shut but it wouldn't open - the handle wasn't moving the 'thingy' which keeps the door shut.  So we both had a rattle - either side.... and then we both giggled - well you can't go to work then!!!! Yes but I need the loo!!!
So even though I'm 'a lady' I do like to try a bit of diy - I have a tool box and everything - the only thing is - I don't know what to do with it!
So I unscrewed the handle but that didn't help.  Jess however, did a brilliant manoever with her nail scissors and all was well! 
I put the kettle on - as tea always helps in every situation - only to tear a teabag (not in temper I might add) tea leaves everywhere.
Anyway - this is a lock at the Bingley 3 Rise locks - and it's a tenuous link to my morning.  I was rather pleased a cyclist photobombed it! :)

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