Beacon of Courage Page

Made for Life Book 2015 this is my Beacon of Courage page. Courage is my word for 2015. You can read more about this project and see detailed photographs on my blog post today

I know this is my 1500th blip (as I was alerted 3 days ago). For all my previous blip anniversaries I have been going out specially to find something unusual to photograph but in all honesty I'm not inclined at the moment to put myself out for a blip so this one will have to do. I still remember what I wrote for my 4 year blip birthday back in November last year and it upsets me to think how much things have changed. 

Written a few hours later:
you have all put me to shame with your amazing comments and congratulations. I was in danger of forgetting what Blipfoto is despite all the upheavals inflicted upon us by the Blip team. It's about meeting like-minded people, exchanging our lives, and life views. Making personal connections, both here and in person. Supporting each other in difficult times and illustrating what we experience with our one picture. So instead of thanking the blip team (as I did for my 4 year of blipping) I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to all of you!

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