It's all over

Unexpectedly visited Ottobeuren this evening and took the opportunity to give the dogs a quick walk around the town. The photo taken from the entrance to the Basilica, it's the opposite view to the one on the excellent webcam on the town hall.

An Epiphany service in the Basilica was just ending which probably explains why the lights were still on in the town. Normally the pavements are rolled up at 6:00pm. (Photo was taken at 6:16pm). Looked very pretty, almost all the Christmas lights are plain warm yellowish white but just around the corner, a bank has it's decorations in LED cold white - it looks horribly out of place.

Tomorrow Bavaria goes back to work. Many last worked on Friday 19th December using the public holidays (today was one) during mid week to "bridge" over and make a long break.. For 5 days holiday entitlement, one could have 18 days off.

Back home I will now start the fight to get our Christmas decorations removed and boxed up. Angie likes to leave them until at least the summer solstice!

By pure chance ended up with two pais of used carver skis, poles and a pair of boots today - all for free. I would actually quite like to try out skiing on carvers - my old planks are pre this technology and everyone says even an idiot like me, can look like a professional. Helps to explain why there are so many more accidents on the slopes compared to earlier days. The gear fits my son and if when he's over there is some snow we can hook him up to a rope and do some skijöring with the horses!

I occasionally have a look for some cross country skis and would like to try  this out for the walks with the dogs when there is snow as we had a week ago. Then walking just with shoes was hard work. Probably would need to trade in Flash & Luna for a pair of huskeys.

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