Read y'all about it.

By Leejohnaire

One for the squirrel lovers

We went for another walk around Meyer Park today.  The weather was great.  60 Fahrenheit.  Tomorrow should be OK here then on Thursday it will be 25.

I had a few choices today.  I had a White Spiny Orb Weaver just like Texann's orange one from yesterday.  I also had some good shots of nutria, ducks and egret and what we think is downy woodpecker female yellow-bellied sapsucker.
In the end though I chose the squirrel because I really liked the composition of the shot. 

I heard something move in some bushes and cautiously looked through them in case it was a snake.  Turned out it was this squirrel feeding.  I had the 105mm macro lens on and got a couple of nice side on shots with the squirrel partially hidden behind a branch.  I then decided to be bold and pushing branches out the way moved around so I was in front of it and just got this shot off before he moved.  I really liked how orange his belly was and the way the branches and leaves framed him.

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