
By AnnieBurke1


Not a very exciting day today. It consisted of severe train delays, and a day in the office. However, when I got home I decided to help Mum out with the dinner.

When I have been at fancy restaurants before and had poached eggs, they are always amazing because they are cooked in a specific way. They are just dropped into the water to cook and taste delicious.

Seeing as I'm trying out this no carbs diet before my holiday...I had eggs, bacon and vegetables for dinner. I tried to poach my eggs with out using anything but the water to cook it. I can say it failed miserably. The first egg had to be thrown and I was stuck with the poor excuse of a second try.

Anyway.. that's the story behind my blip. I must be going through some sort of life crisis for poached eggs to be the highlight of my day!

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