Looking Forward...

By Fiono

Angels and snowflakes

Lots and lots of beautiful ornaments around the Basel Christmas markets. The stall owners are so creative with their displays!

Day 16: The angels told the shepherds of "good news of great joy" and "peace to all men". This joy and peace comes from the knowledge that we as sinners fully deserve, and face eternal death for our sins. Stay with me. This is good because it means we have a just God, a righteous judge. What is even better is that we have been freed from this sentence, what we deserve, if we accept Christ took our place for that punishment on the cross. Better still, the fate that had the power to destory us has itself been destroyed by an even greater power. Christ has overcome death! We no longer face hell and are welcomed in God's family, to join with this choir of angels singing "Glory to God in the highest!".

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