New Shoes.

Today Miller was shod. He has specially made rear shoes, which give lateral extension to the medial axis (helping him to stand fore square work evenly from the rear) these are drawn from straight bars with only the fuller groove pre formed in them. Today I had the chance to photograph Simon make these from scratch.   I hope in large you can follow the work. From top left the bar is shortened and widened to make the extension. Then the bend is started. The next to frames show it being formed to the shape of Millers foot (all by eye no measurements taken) by further heating and hammering. Next the nail holes are punched through the shoe. A  bit more shaping and finally the side clips being drawn up  and the shoe is complete. Hope this is interesting to you all and that the image is clear enough :)
In other news I have renegotiated my phone and broadband package the effect may be gauged after the 15th when we should go fibre  or disappear ;) .

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