Oh B*ll*cks!

After yesterdays night shot at Nichol end I was looking forward to a good walk today in clear conditions. It dawned clear and very cold, so I donned enough layers to keep me warm and drove over the Newlands Valley to Buttermere. Had just crested the hill by Moss Force waterfall and the road looked really icy, so I engaged low ratio and let the clutch up - in about 4 metres there was a loud bang and I had a boxful of neutrals. Managed to stop the car on a safe bit of road where other vehicles could get past, called the AA and waited three hours for them to reach me.

Looks like my transfer gearbox, which was replaced only last year, had let go in a big way! Might be a huge bill, might be a claim on the manufacturers, the garage will spend a few days investigating it.

So sorry - no impressive high altitude landscape, just my poor landy on the back of the recovery truck. :-(

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