Capturing the Everyday

By JulianBuchanan

The leaf of one of our kopakopa plants

Otherwise known as Chatham Island Forget-me-not’s, which are endemic to the Chatham Islands of Aotearoa New Zealand. I just looked them up and discovered they were classified as nationally endangered ten years ago, but now they are just ‘vulnerable’. So it’s nice to have a few in our garden - as with all our plants they are new and need to get established, while they literally put down their roots. The plant next to it on the right is a Hosta.

Been busy working today, and as it was another beautiful day in the evening we went to Long Beach Cafe for pizza and a meal and beer in their garden. I wished I’d taken my camera as our food with fresh veggies from their garden looked a treat, and then an old vintage 1931 car rolled up and I though what a blip that would make - but I’ll have to remember to take my camera next time.

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