Newcastle life

By Puffling

Early birthday present!

After 2 days of being in bed ill with the flu (with 3 days of coughing and achy-ness before that) I was getting fed up. My birthday isn't for another 23 days but to cheer me up (and because he was so excited about it) my husband gave me my birthday present today. I love books and the package was book shaped so I assumed it was a book......but it was an iPad! I was so excited! I've always wanted an iPad but was put off by the price. He also had my name engraved on the back which is lovely and got a little keyboard especially for it. We are both doing university courses and squabble over the computer but now I have the iPad with its little keyboard it will be perfect to do my work on. Its the best present ever! I am so happy that I actually feel a lot better already.

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