Ship Shape Again

My laptop suffered a major catastrophe so I'm a few days behind. Missed a million blipdays and feel very guilty about it.

Back up your data kids - you know it makes sense! Luckily I was able to retrieve most of mine but it could easily have been a different story...

Sorry if I gave the impression yesterday was a farewell blip - not my intention but thank you for caring :o) The photo was a happy accident that was retrieved nicely because it was shot in RAW. If you haven't made a New Years Resolution yet, then as well as backing up your data, if you don't already do it try shooting in RAW (many cameras will shoot in RAW and JPEG at the same time so you get 2 files if you're nervous about using RAW). You'll need some software to process RAW files but once you get into it you'll never go back. Well you might but you probably won't.

New Years Day was a trip to Liverpool to drop Callum back to his other home after he'd been home for Christmas. Horrible weather, not great for sightseeing but nice to have a change of scenery!

Belated Happy New Year Blippers!!!

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