Cheat blip

The photos I've taken today weren't great.
I was sent this by a friend so I'm cheating and using it.
Got two children to nursery on time and myself into work. Munchie wasn't overly happy going but once there seemed more settled. Wom just beamed at hugs key worker.

Arrived at school to discover my new classroom was a shell. Everything gone. Everything had to be remade today, sorted today, organised today. So with the help of the fantastic preschool staff and the two people who work along side me, we've hoovered, wiped, sorted, filed, made, printed and now have a fabulous room ready for children tomorrow.

Collected two very happy contented children from nursery, Wom and Munchie chattered all the way home, then played once home.

Bath completed then Wom to bed so I could go to Zumba. Loved it. Hone, tea cooked, work completed, showered and to bed to blip x

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