
By Kursedtea

Old Blue Eyes

He has tested everything today.

Lentil Soup ...? Hell no!! Moan, cry, get off chair, chuck body appendages about like a rag doll.

After much persuasion, bribery and threats ... he eats the lot on the promise it will make him grow big enough to be Spiderman.

Dinner? Cheesy tomato pasta ...? HELL no! He refused to believe he had in fact requested it. Get off chair. Cry. Moan. Scream. Go in time out. Humph about on chair and refuse to eat it.

Ignoring followed by bestowing dessert on his big brother who had finished his pasta, finally made the fork pierce a twirl of pasta and bring it to his mouth. Mmm thumbs up. He luuuuurves his pasta.

Before bed his Dad commented, after looking after him for ten minutes while I was doing things with Callum, "Did you give him coffee?"

Frustrating though he may be, I can't help but admire every determined defiance. He is so sure of himself. What a wonderful thing to be.

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