Waiting for the WTA
On Mondays Arvin takes the Whatcom Transit Authority special transit to Adult Day Health at the old hospital location. He spends four hours there doing all kinds of neat stuff including drawing which is something he has wanted to do for years. He has lunch, exercises, talks with folks, tells jokes, and generally has a great time socializing with other folks there. Currently he is way above many of them in his capabilities so he helps those who could use some assistance. He loves being there. (He doesn't love getting up early to catch the bus at 9:00 but manages to pull it off.) This program and the help provided by the Alzheimer's Society of Washington, a local Bellingham non-profit, really make a huge difference in both of our lives. Thank you Bellingham for caring.
I get a day to myself at home. Today I'm doing business stuff but my plan is to use the day to paint in my studio. It has been a very long time since I've painted at home and I miss it. I will soon have two days a week, one here and one at Studio UFO. That makes me smile.
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