Be Gone!

So Mr W wasn't able to find the missing part to his finger last night although he did admit to trying!!! He's very brave going back to the scene of the incident. I couldn't go near a Stanley knife for years after I sliced the side of my finger off!! He had made a mess everywhere though as he's a right old bleeder and has made a not so pretty pattern with dots of blood all over our white bedding! Bit annoying!


Work was cancelled. Just as well. I was feeling quite ratty this morning. Might have had something to do with having to get up at stupid o'clock to take DN1 to the station. I'm not ratty with her. I'm ratty that her father thinks the longer he leaves her with a broken car, the more she will realise she shouldn't have bought a Mini in the first place. Idiot. Not her. Him. He said he would help her get her car fixed and buy a new one but on his terms. And he's in no hurry to part with any money. I knew that. That's why it cost me £15 000 to divorce him.


I took down most of the decorations yesterday. There always seem to be the odd few you miss. And I suppose these Christmas Tree biscuits need to be eaten too! Ok. I'll start the diet tomorrow.


That's it.

And I still feel ratty!!!!


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