
By PlanW

Spinnin' Around

I can't move for people trying to take my photo or videoing me these days. This is must be what life must be like for Angelina, I'm sure. I forgot to mention that there was a photographer in the dancing class on Tuesday. If I'd known in advance, I'd have turned up with a slightly better coiffed barnet but I'm sure 'hedge backwards' is how they're wearing it in Cuba this season. Then today, in the gym class, we were video-ed. Niche market, that one, I'd wager.

Anyway, these colourful wavy things are hoops. Powerhoops to be precise. 4 lb weighted hoops. I did a Powerhoop class yesterday, 45 minutes of hula hooping, whooping, hollering and laughing, good fun. No media intrusion though so I'm not sure I'll be going back.

Spinning Around, Kylie (it's like looking in the mirror, at times, I swear)

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