I am lucky in that as each season comes along, I find myself thinking "No, *this* is my favourite season". Right now, for example, I'm enjoying wearing lots of layers and wrapping up warm, and popping into cafés, out of the cold, to enjoy warming mugs of coffee. And as the weeks go by each season slowly, almost imperceptibly, merges into the next one and so time passes at its own pace and in its own manner.

On the other hand, I find the end of year/new year thing a bit arbitrary. It's nice to look at my wall calendar and see all the things I've done this year but, for the last month or so, I've had the 2015 calendar up above it so I can see what's happening beyond December 31st. Equally, when I look backwards - at my blips, for example - I don't want to stop at January 1st 2014.

Of course, we all enjoy looking backwards from time to time: maybe we're feeling reflective or some occasion warrants it, such as a child's birthday, but even then, while you are looking back at a photos or sharing recollections, you don't say well let's only talk about things since their last birthday. It's not the human way. 

So I don't particularly want to go back and look at my life specifically over the last twelve months. I will say that for the most part, it has been a good year for me, my family and my friends. Some have had tough times and that makes me a little sad but, for the most part, everyone is well and happy, and, really, that's all I ask for. 

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