Setting sun
This afternoon I decided to get some fresh air and cycled to the nearby sports and recreational area Blaarmeersen. On the way there I took some photos of a Great Crested Grebe and intended to post one of them as today's blip. I changed my mind in favour of a shot of this evening's sunset. I'd seen the Grebe in the same area a few times before so there's a good chance that I'll see it there again another time. It is very unlikely that I'll see another sunset like the one we had this evening any time soon though. It's even more unlikely that I'll manage to take a similar photo of one as I first had to climb the rather steep slope of the former skiing hill at Blaarmeersen, which left poor old unfit me short of breath by the time I reached the summit. After that I also had to go up several steps to the top of the tower there to get a good enough view of the sunset. Heights and I are definitely not friends so it took me quite a while to gather enough courage to make the descent afterwards.
When I joined Blipfoto - I refuse to call it anything else as that is what I originally signed up for - I was promised a website free of advertisements. Each may have their own opinion about this, but I feel that Blipfoto has not kept its promise by recently adding a very well-known name in the field of photography to their own. As I'm finding it impossible to ignore what blatantly stares me in the face each time I come onto the website, I've decided in my own little way to help Blipfoto keep their promise to me by sticking a particular piece of paper that many of us know and use to post reminders onto the screen of my laptop, thereby hiding that name from my sight.
Many thanks to all who commented on yesterday's Rudolph blip.
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