This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

2000 blips (there are lost moments still waiting to be posted and some lost forever, but today is when this number is marked)

I joined Blip in February 2009 after a historic ice storm in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Posting my first blip was one of the first things I did when the power came back on.

Blip was a special mysterious refuge where I could explore parts of me that I wanted to get to know. Some of you wanted to get to know them too. 

Thanks to the old school gang. You know who you are. Thanks to all the friends I have met a long the way and for all the time, energy and true excellence shown to me here and in the real world from blippers. Thanks to blipcentral. Blip changed my life. I can't deny that.

I fell in love and married a brilliant Scotsman and fellow blipper and I now live with him in the blip capital with our cat. 

I still miss my Samsung L85 camera that took the majority of the early blips but this Canon camera is okay too.

One of the best parts of blip was the fact that I went in as etherghost and I came out as myself. Thanks. 



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