A Secret About A Secret

By pixel8


Ok so this is a bit of a back Blip. I haven't been about for a few months and look what happens when you aren't paying attention.   The whole house has been redecorated and the Landlord has got married.  Anyway I shall keep my fingers crossed that the alliance is a happy one and that the Blip Community as I know it goes from strength to strength.  I don't think many people will be surprised that Blip has been joined by a partner and I am sure there will be even more changes afoot.  I have read a fair bit about this alliance on line now and its fair to say that there are a range of opinions on the subject.  I can see positives and negatives on both sides of the argument so I think it is best to support Polaroid Blip on their venture and wish them well.  

I have uploaded this photo of Loris as it was handy really.  I did a small shoot of Loris and his daughter before he headed back home to Italy.  

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