Little Gaps

I had to make up a story about wanting to take a picture of the gaps in their mouths, well to be precise, Cameron with one gap and Magnus with five with Lucky Logan only having a wobbly tooth (that will be out within days!), as taking a picture of them is a big no no nowadays. They were happy to oblige tonight, maybe because I mentioned getting to play the Wii afterwards!

Prior to that, with it being so wet and cold, I took the 3 of them plus Ben to the museum to play at the children's area. I was going to treat them to an ice cream afterwards but I think it was as cold as the ice cream and we just headed home for tea.

Cameron was lucky getting a pound coin from the Tooth Fairy. He said he woke up during the night and felt it was a pound he got left and has put it in his piggy bank.

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