Yeah im just standing in my cot

I woke up this morning with the worlds worst headache. I could barely lift my head off the pillow. Luckily Mr J took the kiddies and after two doses of pain killers and 3 hours in bed I started to feel more human again.

Little man has been entertaining us this afternoon with his walking. He can now cruise from one piece of furniture to another and is getting more and more confident with every attempt. He is also become so much more vocal. Pointing and shouting "na nana na" at things he wants until some gets it for him. I was playing on the floor with him and I asked "where's your teddy?" Usually he looks over in the general direction of the object but today he crawled over and got the teddy and whilst giving it a friendly squeeze he said "tedah". I was so proud of him and couldn't resist moving the teddy and asking him over and over again!

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