Land yachting

Today an archaeological friend had kindly offered to let us use his Blokart on a local beach. An early 9:30 am breakfast caught a few napping (tee-hee) and off we set, slightly concerned at the total lack of wind.
Needless to say on the beach at Baleshare there was enough wind for a land yacht to even accelerate my weight. And what fun it was. By being so close to the sand - about 10 cm away in fact - you really get a sensation of speed and even in the mild wind of today on corners one of the three wheels regularly lifted into the air. As you can see in today's blip DS#2 took to it very quickly and indeed all were zipping up and down the beach reasonably competently before long.
An excellent and healthy way to spend the day. Perhaps the beach barbecue of sausages and black pudding might have dulled some of that healthiness but compared to recent days, it has so far been the best by a mile.
That said we are invited down to the neighbours at the end of the road this evening and that could end up removing those last vestiges of healthiness....
Tomorrow will tell.

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