I [was rudely awoken] rose early with Master Green before dawn for milk and book reading. A steady stream of books appeared, one after the next as slippers tapped across the hard floor between my lap and the book case. [Three hours later], Before long, the rest of the family had joined us for breakfast and getting ready for the day.
On Tuesday, after a number of 'your call is important to us' automated responses, we managed to secure an appointment with a bank new to us, to open children's savings accounts. Our building society has merged and the interest being paid is now 0.25% or 17 times lower than it was a few years ago. A move is therefore well overdue. The appointment was set for today, so I dropped off beloved and the girls at the bank and went in search of a parking space with the young Master Green sleeping soundly in the back. Thirty minutes later, my search for a parking space failed to bear fruit. I had at least managed to clean the windscreen whilst queuing on each level of the multi-storey and was by now at the exit barrier, being invited to pay for the 'full tour'. I declined and the attendant agreed without hesitation surprisingly enough. Whilst queuing for the next multi-storey, Beloved messaged saying the bank had lost our appointment, but could fit us in on Tuesday, which was nice. Not a good start.
After lunch, we headed to Bluewater (a loathsome place south of the river) for a spot of 'retail therapy'. After a while, I took a therapeutic break from the therapy, overlooking the Sushi bar below. Surprisingly, one daughter did accept my invitation to give it a go one day. But for now, coffee would suffice with a millionaire shortbread and apple juices for the younger drinkers.
Our final destination of the day was the Grandparents' house in readiness for a get together tomorrow with Beloved's family. I'm now fully recovered from the afternoon's therapy session. A glass of Theakston's Old Pecullier sits beside me with a promise of a piece of Christmas cake.
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