at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Happy new year!

(not my photo, I stole it from Laura without permission, but she did put it on facebook and i'm pretty sure due to some dodgy privacy laws that makes it public property now...)

We took Ivy to a party in Andy and Rachel's almost-finished-being-built house to bring in the bells. Ivy did sleep on the way there in the wrap on Euan's front. An epic journey that involved crossing a field in the dark, including several locked gates and barbed wire topped fences. I'm probably too pregnant for this sort of nonsense, but it was good fun!
 Party was good, Ivy woke up and did some brilliant bum wiggling and enjoyed taking Ice out the cooler to add it to everyones drink. There was a bonfire, but after a rather terrfying small firey explosion (sneaky gas canister got into the bonfire apparently) Ivy wasn't allowed outside to see it anymore- which was a shame because she was enjoying explaining to everyone it was hot by blowing on it.   She was awake at the bells, but we had to leave shortly afterwards because she put her finger in a tealight- I was right behind her and pulled her hand away almost instantly, so I think Ivy thought I caused her the pain instead of the hot wax. 

We had a very long day, went to Inverness for a scan (babies fine- one still slightly bigger, full of beans and doing back flips, the other chiling out and practising it's remarkably advanced 'fetal breathing'). Went to the dentist afterwards, where Ivy had her first examination (she's sat on my knee before), she was very good she did open her mouth for a bit, but then she got upset so the dentist stopped. I'd call it a succesfull trip though.

We went for lunch in a Thai resteraunt, I tied Ivy to a chair with a scarf rather creativly I thought so she could eat. She had a bit of a meltdown becuase we wouldn't let her dip spring rolls in chilli sauce, so we decided the only way she'd understand would be to let her try it. She's been quite difficult today, it wasn't such a lovely lunch because of her behaviour and she had to be taken out of the scan room- we still got her battered bannanas for dessert though- because we're big softies....

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