not seeing straight

By jaybroek


First cinema trip of the New Year... in the afternoon too - imagine the decadence. After years of largely restricting myself to Monday evenings when only the cheapskates frequent the Cameo I was borderline alarmed to see so many people. I thought the place was on its uppers or a front for gangster money but no, it seems to attract an audience beyond the Monday night club - and pensioner.

Anyhow - where was I - Birdman... I quite enjoyed it. Handy performances and directorial cleverness. I would like to take a punt that it won't make middleman's top ten come the end of the year though...

Oh - and my new camera arrived! I tracked David the deliveryman through 32 prior visits across western Edinburgh right to my door... holidays allow so much self-indulgence. From tomorrow I suspect the SLR is consigned to high days and holidays.

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