Goodbye 2014

I can hardly believe 2014 is over!

It's been a really good year and very life changing! Life is completely different now to what it was a year ago. 
Change can be scary but it's good to have new challenges!

I thought I hadn't got any decent photos from today but then found this one that I sent to Sumi. I made this when we were on our mission trip in Borneo, as part of the children's Holiday Programme. 
Our trip to Borneo was definitely the highlight of my year, an incredible experience that really changed the way I view life and the world. 

And now school is over and I'm working in a nursery. It's not what I imagined I'd be doing. In fact, I was adamant that I didn't want to work in a private day nursery, but here I am and it's going surprisingly well! 

I wonder what the year of 2015 holds. I am so glad that I can say...

'But as for me, I trust in You, O Lord; I say, "You are my God" My times are in Your hand' 
Psalm 31:14-15

There is much peace in knowing God is in control and He has my future in His hands. :)

Happy New Year everyone! xxx

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