Happy Dogs

Hi Alex and Louise

Took the dogs out today for a nice walk. They loved it. Weather was beautiful, perfect for walking. I wanted to take them down to Southend for a walk along the seafront. They went out in the garden and ended up over the muddy field next to us. They came back so dirty that I couldn't put them into my car. So it was a nice local field walk instead. I wish I hadn't got rid of my big blue car...it was perfect for carting the dogs about. My Golf is really no good whatsoever for that kind of thing.

When I got back I went out for another walk with Ingrid. It's was lovely to have a walk with her and catch up on all our news....not that I have much to tell.

I'll be glad when we are all back to normal next week and my classes start again. I'm getting restless.

The film Unbroken was really good. Brutal for sure. Based on a true story it amazes me what the human body can put up with.

Thought we might see Dumb and Dumber tonight but can't get anyone interested in going with me :( never mind.

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