
By ExtraDays

Family Bones

Eric's niece and her family came through town on their way home from visiting family near Yakima. Her 11-year-old son plays trombone, so Eric invited him to sit in on a couple numbers at a gig his big band had playing at a retirement home this afternoon. His big brother played piano there, too. Very cool to see them together, but it tired me out just listening to the family's travels: They drove from their home in Michigan to Denver to save airfare, then flew to Portland,  and took Amtrak to Yakima. After their Christmas visit, they reversed the trip and added the side trip to this gig. So, on their way home, they took Amtrak from Yakima to Portland, MAX to the gig, then MAX back to Union Station to pick up luggage, back on MAX to the airport, a flight to Denver, and a drive home to Michigan. Way to start the year. 
Happy New Year, and may your own travels be much less complicated.

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