Not the plan!

Well I set off this morning to Rodley Nature Reserve, with my binoculars, my new tripod and my camera (of course) in tow - planning on having a play with my camera settings and a bit of birdie fun - but on arriving there - they were closed… only open Wed/Sat/Sun…. what day is it right now lol????!!!
So my plan didn't go to plan - so I popped in to Salts Mill on the sulky way home and bought myself a book on creative photography - can't wait to get my nose in that!  
I loved the light on the leaves here, it amazes me how the huge plants stay so healthy in Salts Mill!  The picture is 'Amaryllis in a Vase' by David Hockney - the original I would think? 
What day is it tomorrow btw!!! :) 

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