Shopping for a tv

Mr F and I went shopping for a new TV today. It was extremely boring so I wandered off to look at more interesting stuff like new irons, and kettles and pretty much left him to it. Once he had decided which one to have, we found they didn't have it in stock, so we tried another store where the same model was 100 euros more expensive!
We asked to buy it at the same price as the first shop, and surprisingly they agreed, but first they said we had to go back to the first shop and get a devis or guarantee of price, and bring that back to them. They had no concept of maybe phoning or looking the price up on the Internet to check out their competitor! In the end we went to a third store who had one in stock to get it there and then as Mr F is quite desperate to buy one asap!
One fourth shop advertised it's opening hours today as 10-1 and 3-7 but when we arrived at five past 12, the shop was closed and everyone was going to lunch. Of course we told them that they were advising the lunch closure as 1-3pm, and they said it was impossible as the Internet was never wrong! We did actually think it was a bit unusual because everybody knows that lunch is 12-2 but being as some shops around here do 12.30-2.30 we were prepared to believe the website! Silly us!

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