THE END OF 2014...

## 12 of us for a fabulous evening with Nicki and Clive....the hosts cook the main and we all share out canapés,starter, desserts, cheeseboard etc.
# we did the starter...(with the help of O)..pulled pork, red slaw, chutney and salsa
#Nicki very kindly sorted out candles and a cake for The Rev (phew that was lucky as I had forgotten)
###in between courses we played silly games.....great laughs even if we lost:(
## then it was 5,4,3,2 1, ....champagne, poppers, Auld Lang Syne and time to watch the fireworks on TV.

After getting home at 2:30 we didn't really see this morning...did a few jobs then went for a walk around the lake....a grey day but need to blow away the cobwebs. Then we went up to Mums for a few hours with some homemade soup and time to catch up on so e Christmas telly!! get out for a walk.

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