Superhero and his everlasting birthday balloon
Lazy morning after I was woken by fireworks last night. Anyone would have thought it was New Years Eve! Anyway the kids slept through which is good. Will snuggled in with me for at least an hour this morning. He then read most of Green Eggs and Ham and The Cat in the Hat Came Back out loud to himself with very little input from me. We got up. Carys was awake and reading in bed and had no intention of joining us so we left her reading while Will had scrambled eggs and a slice of ham for breakfast.
When Daddy came down I went out for a plod. Not running in my book as it wasn't fast enough nor far enough to be classed as that, but it is a start. Carys meanwhile had had breakfast and had gone back to bed with her book.
On my return Will practiced his violin and then I just did a few house type jobs and Will did some Maths Seeds. He hasn't done any all term as he stopped enjoying it at the end of the summer as it had become quite hard for him. What a difference a term makes. He was flying through it.
This afternoon I took them to see the Penguins of Madagascar as a treat. It should have been Paddington but as on Monday I heard of a second family who had had to leave the cinema part way through because the Nicole Kidman character is too frightening, I decided against it. Not sure I made the right choice. This was nothing like the Madagascar films and had many more scary bits and explosions in it. Will spent most of the second half on my knee and said on more than one occasion that he didn't want to watch it and could we go. Carys was better than I thought, although she did squeeze my hand hard on a number of occasions. I didn't enjoy it, which is a shame because I like the Madagascar films. Once out and full of bravado the children were full of it, so at least they think they enjoyed it, but we won't be hurrying to se it again.
Happy New Year to everyone.
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